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You have symptoms of an infection and it is getting worse.
You know you probably need antibiotics BUT
* You have no insurance and the visit to the doctor is going to cost $200 or more.
* You called the doctor for an appointment and they have no availability. They refer you to Urgent Care or the ER.
Your copay is $150.​
* You are visiting from out of town and you have a high deductible and know an urgent care appointment or ER
appointment is going to cost $200 or more.
This is not affordable healthcare.
There's a better option...
Make telehealth appointments with
Royal River Telehealth!
We have affordable telehealth services for urgent care
for $50 for a 15 minute visit!
We see patients via video for conditions that don't require an extensive exam.
We will diagnose your problem and offer appropriate care and treatment.
We can offer online prescription services, diagnostic testing orders, and referrals as needed.
We do not treat chronic pain or prescribe narcotics.
You must be physically located in Maine to take advantage of our services.
Your health matters!

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